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Concept Carleton

Concept Carleton

Concept Carleton 


Wallack’s was filled with the conversation of design this past Saturday. Concept Carleton was a day-long event that was hosted by the Carleton University Industrial Design Association, Wallack’s and The Association of Chartered Industrial Designers of Ontario (ACIDO).

Carleton Industrial Design students paired up into teams of 4-6 and created a spring-themed design concept for the front window of Wallack’s. The window design contest offered the students the perfect opportunity to showcase their ideas as well as apply their creativity to a real-world context and bring their ideas to life on a large scale. The winning team was ‘Team Justice’ a group of four Industrial Design students that executed great use of art materials, space and design within the 400$ budget.

Concept Carleton had an amazing turnout, the gallery was filled with students, faculty, professionals and creatives all opening up and sharing current issues and exploring new ideas. The speakers and design sprint challenge provided new perspectives and an opportunity to collaborate and talk through design issues with a diverse group of people. 

We heard from four amazing speakers who are passionate in the design community, sharing their knowledge and expertise with the attendees.

Miles Hammond, President and Senior Industrial Designer from Studio 63, has over 40 different design awards and eight patents to his name. Miles expressed the importance of designing things that you’re passionate about, his love for water and winter sports lead his design career to design and selling his own range of stand up paddle boards.

Phil Faubert, has over ten years of experience in medical device and pharmaceutical sales. His latest venture ‘Spotless Life’ is expecting to launch in November 2018. Phil shared his experience of building a product while navigating over 39 different existing patents.

The day came to an end with Doug Watt from The Ottawa Tool library. Doug shared with us what this Ottawa based, non-profit organization is about. “A tool library is a place where you can borrow tools instead of books.” A year-long membership with the tool library, allows you to have access to over thousands of tools to take home and work on projects with.

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