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custom framing

Custom Framing is for almost ANYTHING!

When it comes to framing, people are often overwhelmed with what it entails, be it visualizing the results, labor required, cost etc. Framing is an art in itself and it’s main purpose being preservation of a painting, photograph, sculpture or object you cherish.

It’s important to know that almost anything can be framed. Check out some of our favourite uniquely-styled framing jobs!

Wallack's Art Supplies and Framing example of shadow box custom framing frame
This is a shadowbox encasing 4 antique lineman’s handsets. 

A gentleman brought these to me and said that they belonged to his grandfather. His goal was to have the sentimental value forever preserved. Because these objects are three dimensional, they require more space when being presented behind glass. In this instance, building a shadow box was the perfect way to protect these precious items.
Shadowboxing requires using a deep enough frame for the object or painting and raising the glass away from it. The items are then carefully mounted onto the matting and backing through a variety of techniques that will best suit the item.

Another reason to shadowbox is to see the edge of an artwork such as this:

Wallack's Custom Framing Shadow box

If you look closely, you can see that the edge of the paper has a beautiful deckle detail. In this case, the client wanted to have the deckled edge show, rather than have it covered by a mat board. The artwork was instead mounted on top of a mat board through a process called "tip on"

The glass is raised and held up by the same mat board the painting is resting on.

Paintings and photographs sometimes look best in simple but elegant framing. Here’s a Yousuf Karsh photograph we were very excited to frame. 

Wallack's Art supplies and framing

We decided to use a much thicker matboard that we call an 8ply, matching it with a simple frame. It really lets Winston Churchill speak for himself don’t you think?

Here’s another example of elegant but simple framing. Adding a large mat around a small image always makes a statement as well.

Wallack's art Supplies and framing simple custom frame
Another option to consider when framing is a decorative style. We have a lot of colourful and textured frames, like these:

Wallack's Art supplies and framing custom frame decorative colourful

A large gold decorative frame can also really make a statement. Take a look at this job that we completed, It matches the feel of the print and almost repeats the pattern within the artwork.

Wallack's Art supplies and framing custom ornate gold frame

If you're feeling nervous about having your artwork framed, just know that styles of frames extends far beyond the simple black and white frames seen at big-box stores. Your artwork is unique and will be admired by you for years to come, and so you should choose a frame that truly compliments the work. Let us work with you to choose and refine the style you're looking to achieve.

You really can frame almost anything, in any style possible.

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