Winsor & Newton Professional Watercolour Light-Weight Tube Set
SKU WN0190552
In Stock 1
Winsor & Newton is known for their professional quality paints and they've made no exceptions when it comes to the quality of this lightweight watercolour tube set. This tri-fold metal set harbors 4 large mixing areas on the inside of the lid and ten more on the additional fold out tray. Measuring 9 by 3.5 inches the box is easily portable, sturdy, and solidly constructed.
Colours included:
- Winsor lemon yellow
- Winsor yellow
- scarlett lake
- alizarin crimson permanent
- cobalt blue, Winsor blue (green umber)
- viridian
- yellow ochre
- burnt sienna
- raw umber
- burnt umber
- lamp black
Allow yourself to take your creativity on the go with this professional quality pan set by Winsor & Newton.